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SKU: AUC/11/02/TION/20
Discover a new way to buy properties at a discount. One main advantage with action properties is that you can bid for properties that you won’t necessarily find via an estate agent. Predominantly, we can buy residential, commercial and mixed-use properties, and we can also bid on land and ground rents.
With auctioned properties, you are likely to find a bargain property being sold by mortgage providers looking to offload a repossession or by executors wanting a quick sale.
    • There’s no doubt that an auction is the fastest sales process around. It’s quick and efficient and that’s what makes it attractive
    • You might find a great deal; whether it's an undervalued home with planning permission or a big renovation project, you could find a bargain at a property auction.
    • Set your own price and establish a value-creating honesty of the transaction
    • You are in control at an auction. You decide when to bid and how much to bid – how high or low you want to go
    • There is the certainty of knowing what you’re getting
    • The vendor offers a guide price or reserve price
    • The bidding is upwards only
    • As soon as the hammer falls the contract is binding and contracts are signed at the sale
    • It can be the best option if the vendor needs to sell by a certain date
    • You can move quickly: the entire home-buying process should be completed within a set number of days (often 28) after the auction.
    • Property auctions can be a more reliable way to buy


    Few points to be mindful about.

    • You could be outbid: if someone bids higher than you, you'll have lost time and money viewing the property and having a survey conducted.
    • You need to have the money ready: if you win the auction, you'll have to pay a deposit on the day, and will only have a set number of days after that to pay the total purchase price to the seller.
    • Auctions can be hit and miss: some offer can be a little more than commercial properties and complete wrecks that could be long-term money pits.
  • House, Flats, Investment


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